Hiking in Tll.aal
Walk through time on the Anvil trail where you can experience a forest in various stages of life. Adventure onto East Beach and by walking along the Tell River | Tll.aal Gandlaay and heading north up the beach past the Pesuta Shipwreck.
Misty Meadows Campground

Misty Meadows Campground is open year round, however full services and fees are in effect from June 1 to September 30. There is no internet service at this campground. Reservations are not available. Vehicle accessible campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis. As in most BC Parks, the maximum stay permitted is 14 days per calendar year. Misty Meadows Campground has pit toilets, no flush toilets, and one accessible outhouse. The is a sheltered kitchen area with a wood stove, but you must bring your own firewood or purchase in the park. Do not cut down any trees or branches from the forest around the campground (this is a ticketable offence under the Park Act).
Don't Miss
See the Tlell stone circle and incredible jewellery & gifts at Crystal Cabin
If you have a pet with you, stop in at Richardson Ranch for veterinary care and feed supplies.
Don’t miss the festivals out in Tlell | Tll.aal – the Tlell Fall Fair (earliest in BC) and the awesome Edge of the World music festival
Stop in at Sitka Studio for art, gifts, books and more
Looking for food? Check out the delicious Crow’s Nest Cafe & Country Store