22 September 2022
In the morning
mist twirls
A lacy nightgown
Between the proud tops of
An evergreen canopy
Greeting the west coast
With an emerald smile
The purple majesty of morning
A dichotomy of sunrise
Black to the West,
To the East
An awakening Golden Crown
Enshrined in mountain forest breath
The haze makes the whole thing
A pastel smudge
A Group of Seven landscape
The current like an electric Bolt
Zig-Zag crack placid ocean glass
Crows caw from power lines slack
Every new dawn
Brings with it
A palette
With its own unique personality;
Today’s vibrant ochre and lilac
Washes into the lingering ultramarine
Of another expired night
Hinting a pleasant day to come
I watch a silhouetted kayak
In the glass inlet
As swimming ducks
Cut across in the opposite direction
All over fish are popping out of the water
Teasing as I sip my steaming coffee
Here the sand whispers
And spits
Life tucked away inside shells
Waiting for a bath
As monsters loom overhead
My footprints
— the proof I was here
Conversing and negotiating
My peace —
Linger just long enough
Coaxing the tide
To explain to her my brief visit
I hope she doesn’t rue my arrival
… if I was one to pray
I’d pray her mettle reinforced
I’ll be gone soon
Then I can give you all of me
Thank you
Did you enjoy that?
Check out another piece written by a local creative.
September 22, 2022
K’uuxuu Pine Marten
For decades Haida people and their allies have put themselves on the line to protect forests in Haida Gwaii. You might enjoy walking through some of these protected forests of giant k’aang Western hemlock, ts’uu Western red cedar and kayd Sitka spruce in places like Kiid K’iiyaas K’yuu Golden Spruce Trail, Aagang Guu Government Creek, … Continued
September 22, 2022
Into the woods
Late one evening the hermit thrushes sing. The northwest wind has finally died off and everything is calm. The surface of the ocean is a mirror, reflecting the lazy, hazy clouds sitting high in the stratosphere. The boat motors are still after a long day on the fishing grounds and the only sound is that … Continued
September 22, 2022
A Few Feathers
Tiny western sandpipers skitter along the seaweed, when suddenly a black oystercatcher sounds the alarm from down the beach – a peregrine falcon! The predator rises from behind the dunes like a masked avenger and dives into the flock of sandpipers. The shorebirds take flight in tight formation; a defensive attempt to resemble one big … Continued