Visitors are welcome to explore the inlet’s beautiful swimming beaches, but please show respect to this Supernatural Being | SGaana. To explore the woods you can hike Spirit Lake Trail | GuuhlGa Siiwaay K’yuu, right behind HlGaagilda. A carved cedar panel and longhouse shelter mark the trailhead, which will lead you on a two-hour walk through a diversity of forest habitats. Hikers will likely see some of Haida Gwaii’s mammalian, amphibian, avian and myxogastrian inhabitants.
Camping is not allowed within HlG̱aagilda but there are other alternatives, like staying at Jags guesthouse.

Don't Miss
Get Gas and more at Taaw Naay Gaw Station.
Stop in for a delicious hot beverage and food at Jags Beanstalk.
Take a boat tour with the award-winning Haida Style Expeditions.
Check out the incredible clothing and gifts available at the Long House Gift Shop.
See the amazing Haida art, gifts, books and more at Gina DaahlGahl Naay – Trading House at Haida Gwaii Museum.