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G̱aw Tlagée

In recent history, G̱aw Tlagée the land around Masset Inlet was a busy metropolitan trading centre, crowded with canoe traffic. A rich natural ecosystem supported 11 Haida village sites found in and around Gaw Tlagee. Today the modern village of G̱aw Tlagée sprawls across three of these, including Gad Gaywáas at its north end, Ts’ágwaals towards its centre, and K’áayang towards its south. Haida master carvers continue to fill G̱aw Tlagée’s skies with gyaa’ang | monumental columns, as they have since the arrival of kaaydaay | trees up to 14,500 years ago. Please show respect to these living community members.


Take a stroll along the walking path that connects Masset and G̱aw Tlagée.

There is no camping permitted within G̱aw Tlagée but you can stay at April White's Raven House.

  • Experience Haida hospitality in April’s, quaint, scenic bed and breakfast. The guesthouse is located steps from the beach in the Haida village where guests will be greeted with breathtaking views of the ocean and the abundant wildlife that inhabit its shores. Across the road is the Tluu Xaada Nee traditional longhouse and the White family carving shed where dedicated carvers create totem poles and canoes carved from monumental cedars.

Don't Miss

Stop by Tluu Xaada Naay Canoe Peoples House for a tour of the beautiful facility and carving shed (please contact in advance for tours at 250-626-5250).
Spend some time browsing the incredible offerings available at Gin Kuyaas Haida Art Studio & Gifts.
In the summer, cultural dinners & evening performances are offered by the Davidson Descendants.
Check out Sarah’s Haida Arts & Jewellery for authentic Haida artworks, gift cards, books, prints and more!

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