From Hellen | Hl’yaalan, hikers can access the Cape Fife Trail. If the 12-hour walk (return) won’t suffice, then the three-day East Beach Trail stretches south to Tlell | Tll.aal. Along the way, you will pass through domains of numerous Supernatural Beings | SGaanuwee, among whom live Gaahllnaas – Utláaman, Gadaa K’aw, Gaaw XanhlGa Sk’aajawaay, Xaasa, Kiid Gaataalaa, SGuuhlGuu Kuuna, Nang Na Sandlanee Giidangwaas, Tl’aajaang Kuuna and NáaGa Saandllnaa Gaydangwas. Less ambitious hikers may settle for S asy two to three-hour-long walk through beautiful bog ecosystems.
Agate Beach Campground

Agate Beach Campground is open year-round, however, full services and fees are in effect from June 1 to September 30. There is no internet service at this campground. Reservations are not available. Vehicle accessible campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis. As in most BC Parks, the maximum stay permitted is 14 days per calendar year. Agate Beach Campground has pit toilets, no flush toilets, and one accessible outhouse. The is a sheltered kitchen area with a wood stove, but you must bring your own firewood or purchase in Masset. Do not cut down any trees or branches from the forest around the campground (this is a ticketable offence under the Park Act).
Don't Miss
There is a well-maintained boardwalk at Taaw Tldáaw, a portion of which is also wheelchair accessible out to Kwahtsiisda.
Check out the beautiful offerings at Chown River Gallery. Grab a coffee and tasty treat at the Haida Gwaii Beach Stop.