- RLWP Contracting
Please contact Ryan for information. - 250-637-1473
Daajing Giids
- [email protected]

Meet Ryan Leo-William Paquette!
Ryan Paquette grew up on Haida Gwaii and knew that it was the place where he wanted to raise his own family. His beautiful daughters are a high priority in his life, and he was unwilling to sacrifice their wellbeing when it came to his professional life. “I needed to find a way to balance my work and life and being a small business owner has suited that need perfectly,” says Ryan. He is able to work around all of his family’s important activities and events, and he is deeply grateful to have this kind of flexibility.
Ryan’s grandfather was in construction, so Ryan figures that building and renovating was probably in his blood. Like his grandfather, Ryan is committed to quality workmanship. Owning his own business gave him control over the finished product and meant that he would never have to sacrifice quality and attention to detail in his handiwork. Few things give him a greater sense of satisfaction than driving by a home and seeing people having fun on the deck he built, or looking at pictures of a family eating together in a dining room he renovated.
Though he has lived on Haida Gwaii for most of his life, Ryan never ceases to be awed by his inspiring natural surroundings. (One of his favourite places to drink in the view is from the rooftop of a house he’s working on.)
Even more than the views, what really makes this place a home are Ryan’s fellow islanders. “The people here are fantastic to work for,” he says. “I like the interactions I can have with my clients.” Knowing so many of his clients personally makes his work even more meaningful.
Ryan Paquette grew up on Haida Gwaii and knew that it was the place where he wanted to raise his own family. His beautiful daughters are a high priority in his life, and he was unwilling to sacrifice their wellbeing when it came to his professional life. “I needed to find a way to balance my work and life and being a small business owner has suited that need perfectly,” says Ryan. He is able to work around all of his family’s important activities and events, and he is deeply grateful to have this kind of flexibility.
Ryan’s grandfather was in construction, so Ryan figures that building and renovating was probably in his blood. Like his grandfather, Ryan is committed to quality workmanship. Owning his own business gave him control over the finished product and meant that he would never have to sacrifice quality and attention to detail in his handiwork. Few things give him a greater sense of satisfaction than driving by a home and seeing people having fun on the deck he built, or looking at pictures of a family eating together in a dining room he renovated.
Though he has lived on Haida Gwaii for most of his life, Ryan never ceases to be awed by his inspiring natural surroundings. (One of his favourite places to drink in the view is from the rooftop of a house he’s working on.)
Even more than the views, what really makes this place a home are Ryan’s fellow islanders. “The people here are fantastic to work for,” he says. “I like the interactions I can have with my clients.” Knowing so many of his clients personally makes his work even more meaningful.
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