- Garner Moody
Front St
Skidegate, BC V0T 1S1 - 250-559-8864
HlGaagilda Skidegate

Master Carver Garner Moody began carving at a young age and his talent and skill quickly became evident among his peers. He was mentored by a number of Haida artists throughout his career, including Alfred Collinson, Rufus Moody, Giitsxaa, Nelson Cross, Ding (Melvin) Hutchingson and Bill Reid. Garner has worked with a variety of mediums over the years, including wood, argillite, gold, silver. His work is well-known throughout the islands and has been sold around the world.
One of his most notable and culturally significant works is the Ts’aahl pole, one of a series of six, which currently stands at the Haida Heritage Centre in Skidegate. Garner Moody exhibits and sells his work in galleries throughout BC, including Silvertalks Silver Gallery in Vancouver, the Coastal People’s Fine Arts Gallery in Vancouver, Lattimer Gallery in Vancouver, Spirits of the West Coast Gallery in Courtney and the Pegasus Gallery on Salt Spring Island.
One of his most notable and culturally significant works is the Ts’aahl pole, one of a series of six, which currently stands at the Haida Heritage Centre in Skidegate. Garner Moody exhibits and sells his work in galleries throughout BC, including Silvertalks Silver Gallery in Vancouver, the Coastal People’s Fine Arts Gallery in Vancouver, Lattimer Gallery in Vancouver, Spirits of the West Coast Gallery in Courtney and the Pegasus Gallery on Salt Spring Island.
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