- Archer Arts
167 2nd Ave
Skidegate -
HlGaagilda Skidegate

Multi-disciplined artist Michael Mayr shares his passion for traditional arts, music and wilderness living through Archer Arts. A natural and learned outdoorsman, Michael combines his wilderness experiences with his artistic training and years of skill development to create tools that are works of art. Mayr is proficient at carving wood and other natural materials, wood work, glass work, leather work, forging and sculpting, and he is well-known for his bow building and arrow making skills.Archer Arts offers workshops and lessons in a variety of visual art forms, both traditional and contemporary. It also offers music lessons, outdoor education and outdoor survival skills workshops. Workshops are offered both at Archer Arts studio and on-site for groups and individuals. Sign-making and memorial headstone carving services are also available. Custom orders and commissions welcome.“Love for the essentials of life: simple living, music, art and traditional knowledge.”
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