With more backroads navigation you will find Mount Moresby | K’aayxada TlldaGawaay and neighbouring Mosquito Mountain | HlGuu K’aw.was TlldaGaaw both of which have popular trails. The difficult climb is well worth the rewards at their peaks, where you can admire stunning views of Haida Gwaii’s eastern and western coasts.
South of the Copper River you will find popular campsites at Gray Bay | Diinal GawGa.

Along the Moresby Mainline on the road to Moresby Camp.

Located approx. 25 km south of Aliford Bay via the South Main and Moresby logging roads.

Explore the less traveled

Towards the Southwest of town you can take the logging road which leads you to the Moresby Camp, the launching to Gwaii Haanas as well as access to the Mount Moresby hike, which is the tallest peak on Haida Gwaii.
Don't Miss
Check out the delicious offerings at the I Love Local food truck
Walk along the beaches of Shingle Bay
Hike the Louise Dover trail. The trail starts on the west side of the Daamaxyah Gandlaay Haans Creek, about 10 kilometres east of the ferry landing and close to the marina, just outside the community of K’il Llnagaay.
Take a tour with Moresby Explorers